dream life

Don’t Settle for a Soul-Sucking Job – Create the Career of Your Dreams

Soul-sucking jobs don’t just happen in the 9-5 world. The number of people who end up in a soul-sucking entrepreneurial position continues to grow by leaps and bounds too. The problem why this happens is that people are looking for a quick way to make a dollar. They fall for the “once in a lifetime opportunity” plans, that promise big returns, to be their own boss and ditching the daily 9-5 routine.

If only it were that simple! The fact is, if your heart isn’t in it, everything you do will be soul-sucking!

Here’s how to avoid making the mistake of settling for a soul-sucking job when you could create a career of your dreams.

If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is

Every idea isn’t a good idea. We know that much. Many of us, over the years, have become wary of anything that remotely resembles a scam. For example, the ones that claim you can make money while you sleep, or while laying on the beach while everyone else is working.

Another marketing plan that might appear as being ‘too good to be true’ to some people, includes many of the multi-level marketing programs. For some people, selling shake powders or diet pills might be exactly what they want to do.

Usually these types of business models are started because the product or service has worked for them, so they are happy to endorse it and make a little cash at the same time. It’s just unfortunate that many of these entrepreneurs dream of reaching the pink Cadillac level, but rarely do… and if they do, it’s because they have invested an astounding amount of time and effort into their business. They believed in it and made it happen.

Here’s the point you should get from this: On your journey to build an entrepreneurial empire, make sure you choose a field you are passionate about and one that complements your lifestyle.
Your Skills are Just as Important as Your Passion

Okay, so let’s use the example of opening a coffee shop. Absolutely doable! You’ve done the market research and found the perfect location. Major competitors are miles away and you are planning to offer a space near the back of the store more like an Internet café. If you love sandwiches, cakes and coffee and are great with people, this might be the perfect gig for you!

Likewise, if your customer service skills are less than desirable, this type of entrepreneurial adventure probably isn’t going to be in your best interest.

Do something you are good at and something you are passionate about. It matters a great deal, especially when you’re starting out. The amount of time you are going to be required to invest in your new business is astounding. If you don’t love it, it’s going to show.

Don’t let your new money-making plan suck the life right out of you and make you miserable. If you are passionate about what you’re doing, your chances of success are greatly increased. If you’re excited about what you are doing it helps you to stay motivated, positive and happy. These factors all contribute to achieving your goals and whatever it is you define as success.

However, your entrepreneur lifestyle can easily turn into a soul-sucking job too, if you aren’t aware of the signs and how to avoid them. So be aware of them at all times!

Don\'t Settle for a Soul-Sucking Job - Create the Career of Your Dreams

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